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Vanasana Flow

Curated yoga classes designed to help you become more in tune with your mind body connection whilst improving flexibility, stability, fitness and overall wellness.

The Joy of Expression through movement

Twisted Lizard Lunge

Through a series of movements and mindfulness exercises that incorporate yoga poses, animal flow, breathwork and meditation techniques, allow your body and mind to reap long-term benefits that include:


  • Increased flexibility and range of motion

  • Improved balance, stability and posture

  • Better recovery and injury prevention

  • Reduced stress levels

  • Mental clarity and peaceful state of being


Whether you are a complete beginner or seasoned practitioner, there are classes to suit all needs. Come on in and give it a try. Your body will love you for it!

Yoga and BJJ


BJJ has at times been referred to as "involuntary yoga" and anyone who has been to just one BJJ class will know why.

The positions in BJJ that are required to not only move effectively but efficiently require a balanced mix of functional strength, alignment, flexibility and a sound mind which yoga resonates with well and so can assist with.

There is a good reason why some of the best grapplers and fighters in the world swear by incorporating yoga into their regular schedules.

Free Trial

Not sure if yoga is your thing? Try the Flow Foundations Class to get yourself acquainted with the yoga mat. The first class is on me!

High Quality Eco Mats Provided

Multiple Locations

Online Classes Available

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